What was your first triathlon race and what year did you complete the race?
The escape from Alcatraz 1997
When did you start training/coaching with TWT?
I founded TWT 2001. It has been my life’s work to help athletes and coaches alike believe in themselves through the journey of triathlon.
How many years have you been coaching triathlon? How many years have you been coaching with TWT?
20+ years
What is your favorite thing about triathlon?
I love it it’s an every man sport, and with the right tools anyone can learn how to swim bike and run and transform through triathlon
Do you hold any degrees, certifications or memberships related to fitness and/or triathlon? If yes, please list.
USA Triathlon Member
Anything else you would like to add about yourself, triathlon or TWT?
Triathlon is such a great sport, and since it is a full body experience that keeps you full body strong. I’m hoping to participate until I’m 100 🙂